Time management is often cited as one of the most significant challenges facing business owners today. With countless tasks vying for attention and only so many hours in the day, it’s no wonder that nearly 40% of entrepreneurs report feeling overwhelmed by their workload. Effective time management is not just about getting more done—it’s about strategically focusing on what truly drives your business forward. In this article, top industry experts share their most effective time management techniques to help you optimise your day, boost productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Emir Allen

Co-founder and MD / Talent Finance

As a senior leader, I’ve come to understand that time management is not just about keeping the business running smoothly—it’s about strategically steering the organisation towards long-term success. While productivity is a key outcome, effective time management is also about empowering teams, fostering independence, and maintaining a clear focus on what truly drives value. Here are three strategies that have been instrumental in helping me manage my time effectively:

Say “No” More Often

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the power of saying “no.” As leaders, we are constantly pulled in multiple directions, often tempted to involve ourselves in every aspect of the business. However, saying yes to everything dilutes our focus and hampers our ability to prioritise. I’ve found that tasks that don’t require my direct input are best delegated to capable team members. This not only frees up my time for more strategic initiatives but also empowers others to take ownership of their responsibilities.

Educate, Don’t Instruct

A leader’s role isn’t just to provide answers—it’s to cultivate a culture of critical thinking and self-reliance within the team. If I simply tell my team what to do every time a question arises, I’m creating a dependency that stifles innovation and problem-solving. Instead, I encourage my team members to come to me with at least two potential solutions to any problem they face. This approach pushes them to think creatively and builds their confidence in decision-making. It’s not about finding the perfect solution every time; it’s about developing the mindset to tackle challenges independently.

Review and Reflect Daily

At the close of each day, I take time to review what has been accomplished and how it aligns with our broader objectives. This daily audit allows me to assess progress against weekly goals and refine my focus for the following day. By reflecting on what worked and identifying time-wasting activities, I can continuously improve my approach to time management. This habit not only keeps me aligned with my priorities but also helps me make informed adjustments that drive better results.

In summary, effective time management for a senior leader goes beyond just organising tasks. It’s about making strategic choices, empowering your team, and constantly refining your approach to maximise impact. By saying no more often, fostering independent thinking, and regularly reviewing your progress, you can ensure that your time is spent on what truly matters—driving the business forward.

Matthew Betes

Founder, More-Rewards

I have been on my entrepreneurial journey for 8 months now and after 20 years in the corporate world it has been both incredibly rewarding and equally terrifying.

I think Tom Brady once said that ‘No shortcuts’ is a sentiment that I have to keep reminding myself of whenever my self-confidence is low after one of the many, many knocks that are par for the course of starting your own business. I believe this is also a key driving force for effective time management. Whilst of course you must identify and ensure that your driving force is squarely behind whatever is the priority to ensure growth on the next step of your journey, ensuring a disciplined approach, and that the hours and drive are always there has been my most important realisation to ensuring efficiency.

Quick and firm decision-making is also a factor, often not being afraid of additional time required by a certain decision as long as it’s the right one for your vision.

Mark Rodrigues


The key to time management is to block out sections of your diary where you can’t be reached for calls/ emails etc. Block out your diary solely for email responses unless urgent. Always take 30 mins away from the desk every 3.5 hours.

I like to take the time from 8 am to 9 am to respond to the emails that are sent from 5 pm onwards the day before. It’s so important to block the time out in your diary to concentrate on email or calls only.

James Cannan

Director of R&D – Compare Wealth Managers

Having worked remotely and in hybrid roles for over 10 years, I’ve learned a lot about managing my time and productivity. I’ve worked at places like medical companies, and universities, and have started many startups where time is critical, so I have learned a lot over the years. For me, I found that exercise significantly boosts productivity. Initially, I thought working through breaks would make me more productive, but it turned out to be the opposite. Taking just 30 minutes to hit the gym makes me more focused and efficient throughout the day. I remember a time when I skipped my regular workout for a week, thinking I’d get more work done, only to find myself more stressed and less productive. There’s also research, like this Forbes article, that shows taking breaks between virtual meetings can significantly boost our cognitive performance.

Over the years, I’ve also picked up valuable health tips. For example, not working in the bedroom helps me sleep better, and good sleep is key to concentration the next day. Eating healthily and taking supplements like magnesium and omega-3s support sleep, well-being, and focus. Additionally, having the right lighting, air quality, and minimal distractions all contribute to productivity.

At Compare Wealth Managers, I work in a hybrid model, which is often my favourite because I like flexibility and occasionally seeing my coworkers. This setup allows me to build stronger relationships while still having the freedom to work in my own space. I have also found that setting hard cutoff times can help maintain a healthy work-life balance, although I often break this rule. I believe work should improve our lives, having meaning in life is a key longevity metric, and relationships are key when building a business.

My top tip at the moment is to try intermittent fasting. I’ve noticed it saves time and helps me focus in the morning while also keeping me healthy. Additionally, I recommend looking at AI to automate as much as you can; it saves time, reduces costs, and allows you to achieve more.

Illitch Real

CEO Rubiklab

Here are some effective time management techniques we recommend:

  • Tame the beast: Challenge yourself to an hour of phone-free deep work daily. It’s not just discipline; it’s reclaiming your mental space.
  • Master involvement: Know when to dive in, mentor, or delegate. Your expertise is valuable – use it wisely. Define success, then let your team shine.
  • Embrace AI: Leverage AI tools to supercharge your processes. Stay curious, test new solutions weekly. Adaptability is key in our evolving landscape.
  • Recharge creatively: Stuck? A quick walk or family chat can spark fresh ideas. It’s not time away; it’s fuel for innovation.
  • Ride the flow: When you’re in the zone, stay there. These peak moments are gold – don’t interrupt the magic.

Mastering time management is crucial for business owners who want to maximise their productivity and lead their companies to success. By implementing these expert-backed strategies—learning to say “no,” blocking out focused time, taking regular breaks, embracing technology, and fostering team independence—you can take control of your time and make meaningful progress towards your goals. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, these techniques will help you navigate the complexities of business ownership with greater ease and efficiency.


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