Did you know that nearly 50% of small businesses fail within their first five years, often due to an ineffective marketing strategy? With the rise in competition, small enterprises face unique challenges in getting their message heard and attracting the right customers. Without a well-crafted marketing strategy, even the most promising businesses can struggle to survive.

This article brings together insights from leading experts who understand the nuances of marketing for small businesses. They share invaluable advice on the essential components that can transform your marketing efforts, from defining clear goals and understanding your audience to optimising digital channels and maintaining brand consistency. Whether you are just starting out or looking to refine your existing strategy, this guide will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to elevate your business above the competition.

Anna Morrish

Founder & MD, Quibble

If you’re looking to put together a marketing strategy, there are a few elements to consider first and foremost:

1. What are your goals – It’s important to be as specific as possible. Do you want increased brand exposure and if so, what does that look like? Consider if you need to hit a specific number of email subscribers or leads that you can then convert. Or, maybe you want to increase your social media following. Again, consider how much by.

2. Who is your audience – If you don’t know who will want your products or services, how can you expect to get in front of them or convert them? Put together 2-3 personas that will help you narrow down what your ideal customer looks like.

3. What is your budget – Even if you’re implementing a strategy yourself, time is money. Consider how much time you have available to implement a marketing strategy, along with if you have the budget to hire someone or an agency. You’ll also need to set aside cash for paid activity such as Facebook, Google ads, or influencer collaborations.

4. Is everything set up and tracking – This includes your social pages ad accounts, Google search console, Google Business Page, Analytics etc. You can’t track what you don’t measure.

5. Who are your competitors and your differentiators – Understand where your competitors excel and where they’re lacking to fill the gap and offer something new, better and different.

Marnie Wills

Founding Director

As a small business, navigating the marketing landscape can be challenging on time and resources. Here are some ideas to consider for a successful marketing strategy for your small business.

Understanding Your Target Audience. Knowing their demographics, preferences, and behaviours enables you to tailor your approach to meet their needs effectively.

Crafting Engaging Content

Content is king in the digital age. Engaging content that provides value and speaks directly to your target audience’s pain points can foster loyalty and drive conversion rates. This content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media updates.

Optimising for Digital Channels

Ensure you know the social platforms they will hang out on so you can drive traffic to your business and personal profiles. Remember you are the face of your brand and you are the thought leader in your business.
Lastly, use the power of AI to repurpose your content for different formats and different channels.

Maintaining Consistency Across Platforms

Consistency in messaging and branding across all platforms is essential. This consistency builds trust and enhances brand recognition. Get yourself a posting schedule and do your best to stick to it

Delivering Value to Your Audience

Ultimately, your marketing efforts should focus on delivering value to your audience. Whether it’s through informative content, exceptional customer service, or high-quality products, consistently providing value helps build strong, long-term relationships with your customers.

Putting these key elements into practice will help your small business rise above the competition and achieve lasting success in the market.

Sam Martin-Ross


The most crucial aspects of marketing for a small business would be a well-designed website with great copy & SEO. I might be biased, having run a digital marketing agency for 8 years, but I’ve seen time and time again how this can be a massive boost to growing a company. It’s not easy to do, and all too often people settle for cheap, poor-quality websites when starting their business as a result. It requires having great brand positioning, excellent copywriting, great design, good SEO and a fast, mobile responsive website. It’s worth investing in, however, as eventually your website will deliver ‘free’ inbound sales, which is key to sustainable growth. It’ll do this by appearing in Google when people are searching for businesses like yours (that’s the SEO), and then the design/copy/positioning will help convert them.
Small businesses must adopt a strategic marketing approach to succeed. By focusing on clear goals, understanding your target audience, creating engaging content, and ensuring a consistent and optimised digital presence, you can build a strong foundation for sustainable growth. The expert insights shared in this article underline the importance of investing in a well-designed strategy that not only attracts but also retains customers, ultimately driving long-term success for your business.
marketing strategy

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