Landing pages can be lead generation drivers if approached correctly. A landing page is the first thing a potential customer will see when they click on your product, so you should ensure it is engaging. We consulted experts in marketing to highlight three things that they always include in their landing pages to drive lead generation. Their insights are extremely valuable and provide a multitude of ideas of what you can include in your landing page to boost your lead generation. Give this collaborative article a read and learn from industry experts what makes a great landing page sure to drive lead generation.

John Wilkes


We run a lot of conversion tests for our clients, and what we’ve found it often comes down to is removing as many unknowns as possible on a landing page, particularly pages with forms. So, for example, if you’re asking someone to complete their details in exchange for a downloadable asset, let them know exactly what they can expect from you once they’ve completed the form, will someone call them, and if so, when? What will happen when this person calls, and what is expected of the potential lead?

Another mistake we often see is that companies want to talk about themselves first, but rather cut to what’s in it for the customer, what is the value proposition you’re offering them? Sell that first, and your company second.

Finally, and quite practically, especially on mobile, is to have a sticky, or ever-present CTA across the page. This is especially useful on long pages, to have this kind of visual cue for a lead to take an action. We find all three of these elements very useful in increasing conversions or lead generation activities on a webpage, regardless of the product or service.

Ivan Asem

Digital Marketing Consultant at Ivan Asem

Congratulations if you managed to get your prospect from clicking on a link to reaching your landing page! Now, they’re in a great place to become a lead. You will have to get a few things right to seal the deal.

First, to keep your prospect engaged, you’ll require convincing sales copy. Focus on clarity and brevity so that your prospect understands why they are there. This necessitates a good introduction, some compelling points that explore their current problem or need, and a clear call to action.

Second, make sure to have a good lead magnet. Offer something valuable for free in exchange for their email or phone number. This is usually something that soothes their current problem and delivers instant gratification. Furthermore, it helps your prospect trust you as an expert.

Lastly, you need to have a form that works. At the bare minimum, it should have a field to collect an email; for advanced pages, some fields should help you qualify your leads. A broken form creates many problems, including an inaccurate ROI.

If all of the above are in place, your prospects should have no problem becoming leads.

Bethany Weatherhead

Owner and SEO specialist at Ruddy Duck Digital

1. Conclude the copy on your page by encouraging the user to convert, in whichever desired way you choose. Don’t just rely on CTA buttons, if the user has read all of the copy they’ll be interested, so don’t cut the copy off without explaining what their next steps should be.
2. Create engaging content via the use of images, infographics, charts and videos – but be mindful of the potential hindrance to site speed. Ensure any image is compressed and any video does not need to load and play automatically.
3. Include USPs to ensure the user has a full idea of why you’re better than your competitors, and statical data so that they can trust what you are saying. Don’t be afraid to link out to credible sources to back up your data claims, but let these open in a new tab so the user does not lose your page in the process.


In conclusion, the success of a landing page as a lead generation tool is reliant upon attention to detail. By  implementing strategies such as transparent communication, customer-centric value propositions, and seamless user experiences, you can significantly elevate lead generation and amplify conversion rates. The advice from our seasoned professionals shows the importance of prioritising clarity, relevance, and functionality in crafting landing pages that captivate and convert. Use these principles and refine your approach to ensure your landing page stands as a driver of substantial growth and fostering enduring customer relationships and more leads.

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