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How to start a podcast for business

How to start a podcast for business

Why are podcasts important? Businesses must find new ways to transition their operations and create outside-the-box strategies to maintain their relevance. With these turbulent times, old habits will not be a major help. It’s time to open a space for innovation and...

What makes a great leader?

What makes a great leader?

Leaders, especially during times of uncertainty, must be prepared to make tough decisions, and often sacrifices, to fulfil their vision and grow into stronger and better leaders. Whilst the last few years have seen PAB Languages go from strength to strength, it has...

Successful leadership: how to be a great leader

Successful leadership: how to be a great leader

Much has been written about successful leadership: How to become a leader, how to develop the relevant skills? Or how to learn from one’s failures? In many respects, all these questions come down to intellectual prowess, technical competence, and operational know-how...

3 steps to succeed digital marketing strategy

3 steps to succeed digital marketing strategy

Do you have a clear digital marketing strategy for 2023? After a rocky 2020 and very uncertain 2021 businesses are uncertain of what’s coming next and are struggling to find the right strategy to face the future in the right way. In the last 6 months, we’ve...