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Why Kherson matters

Why Kherson matters

As the Ukrainian army commences its counter-offensive in Kherson, this could be the battle that changes the course of the war. Why is Kherson so significant? Crimea has no source of freshwater itself, it comes from Kherson. For the Russians therefore to hold Crimea,...

Post V-Day, what next?

Post V-Day, what next?

As V Day takes place across Europe, the symbolism of this day is taking on a new meaning, for people across the continent. On the one hand, Putin looks to position the special operation as being to defeat Ukrainian fascists, whilst in Ukraine, the parallels with...

Should cancel culture be cancelled?

Should cancel culture be cancelled?

With the advancement of social media like Twitter and TikTok, it is very easy for normal people to skyrocket to fame. However, just as easy it is to become the next hot influencer, it is also easy to be “cancelled” and lose your following and platform due to cancel...

How long will this war last?

How long will this war last?

“Violence begets violence.” With each passing day, the military forces, resources, and equipment increase and with that, the violence intensifies. Mariupol is a humanitarian disaster, yet still, the shelling continues. Across the country, resistance is met with a...