Small teams often need to achieve more with fewer resources, and the right productivity tools can be transformative. According to a 2023 survey by Airtable, 86% of small business leaders believe that adopting productivity tools has a direct impact on their team’s efficiency and output. But with so many options available, how can managers select the most effective tools to optimise their team’s performance?

To address this crucial question, we reached out to industry experts—team leaders, project managers, and productivity specialists—who shared their insights on the best tools and strategies for managing small teams. Whether you’re dealing with communication challenges, task management, or time tracking, the right tools can help your team stay organised, focused, and on course to meet their objectives. Below, we compile expert recommendations that provide a roadmap to enhancing your team’s productivity.

Sabina Jaeschke

Bid Manager at Zeelo

Sabina Jaeschke, an expert in tender management, underscores the importance of a structured approach to project management and personal productivity. She utilises a mix of software tools and time management techniques to streamline her workflow and keep her team on track.

  1. For project management, Sabina uses to allocate tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress across multiple stakeholders. This tool helps ensure that all team members are aligned and fully aware of their responsibilities.
  2. ClickUp: Previously, she employed ClickUp to track her personal tasks, gaining full visibility into outstanding activities and deadlines. This versatile platform allows for efficient task management across various projects.
  3. Pomodoro Technique: Sabina uses the Pomodoro technique to maintain focus. By working in short, intense bursts followed by breaks, she minimises distractions and avoids the pitfalls of perfectionism.
  4. Body Doubling: To further enhance focus, Sabina uses Focusmate, a platform that pairs individuals with ‘focus mates’ for dedicated work sessions. This accountability mechanism reduces procrastination and helps keep her on task.
  5. Daily Stand-Up Calls: Regular stand-up calls are another critical element of her strategy. These meetings allow the team to monitor progress, share updates, and address any blockers, fostering a transparent and collaborative environment.

Marnie Wills

Founder, SportyMinis

Marnie Wills, who manages a diverse team of sports coaches, virtual assistants, and managers, stresses the importance of clear communication and flexible productivity strategies. In a team without a traditional 9-5 schedule, Marnie’s approach ensures that everyone stays connected and aligned.

  1. Unified Communication Platform: Marnie relies on WhatsApp as a central communication hub, organising different chats by function—Company Chat, VA Chat, Social Media Marketing Chat, Finance Chat, and Operations Chat. This setup keeps conversations organised and ensures that all team members have quick access to relevant information.
  2. Regular Check-In Days: Marnie has instituted specific check-in days—Monday Intentions, Working on it Wednesday, and Friday Finishes—to keep her team aligned and accountable. These check-ins provide a structured way to track progress and address any challenges.
  3. Three Tasks Rule: For her personal productivity, Marnie follows the “Three Tasks Rule,” focusing on three primary tasks in flexible time blocks throughout the day. This approach accommodates her need for a less rigid schedule while ensuring that essential tasks are completed.
  4. “Eat the Frog” Principle: By tackling the most challenging tasks first, Marnie sets herself up for a productive day, rewarding herself with more enjoyable tasks afterwards. This strategy not only boosts her motivation but also ensures that critical tasks are handled promptly.

Noel Anderson

Founder, Nerd Digital

Noel Anderson, who started with spreadsheets and later transitioned to more sophisticated tools, highlights the importance of simplicity and efficiency in productivity tools. For his small team, less is often more when it comes to managing time and client relationships.

  1. Spreadsheets and Teamwork: Initially, Noel used spreadsheets to track performance metrics, but as the team grew, this approach became cumbersome. He transitioned to Teamwork, a comprehensive project management tool, but found it overly complex for their needs.
  2. Clockify: Noel’s solution was to streamline time tracking with a widget that exports calendar entries directly into Clockify. This simple integration allows his team to minimise time spent on administrative tasks and focus more on client delivery, boosting overall productivity.

The insights from these experts reveal a common theme: the most effective productivity tools are those that align with the unique needs of your team. Whether it’s managing multiple projects, fostering clear communication, or simplifying time tracking, the right tools can transform how your small team operates.

As you consider the tools and strategies shared by Sabina, Marnie, and Noel, remember that the best approach is one that fits your team’s workflow and culture. Experiment with different tools, be open to adjusting your strategies, and most importantly, focus on creating an environment where your team can thrive. By leveraging the right productivity tools, small teams can achieve big results.

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