In the fast-paced world of today’s workplaces, there’s a universal truth: success shines brightest when everyone on the team shares the same values. Think of it like a powerful symphony – a harmonious blend of purpose that resonates through every task and goal.

Aligned values spark innovation, boost employee retention, and create a positive company culture. They’re the driving force behind better performance and results. But how can team leaders effectively align their team’s values?

That’s why we asked for some tips from the experts in the industry. These experts have years of experience behind them and have uncovered the secret to stronger collaboration.

Here are some tips they shared –

Raf Uzar

Head of Marketing, Communication, and Development, Penteris

You have probably heard that employees who are aligned with company values outperform non-aligned employees. The stats bear this out: organisations with aligned values observe a 72% increase in innovation and a 30% boost in employee retention.

In an ideal world, we would all be rolling out systems of company alignment where every employee ‘switches on’ and aligns with every single company value, no matter what. However, we do not live in a perfect world and people are a mixed bunch with different needs and disparate wants.

The truth of the matter is that there is often a significant “knowledge-practice gap” when it comes to employees having to align with company values i.e. we know what we have to do but it doesn’t get done.

In my experience, there are essentially two chief problems: thousands of companies – large and small – are often: (a) unable to communicate their values to their staff, or (b) their staff is unable/unwilling to implement well-communicated values.

Therefore, to begin with we should: (1) improve our communication methods, and (2) re-think our company values so that they have a better chance of buy-in from the majority of employees.

It really is worth taking a step back and seeing if we are really effective with our communication channels and if our values have a chance of being accepted across the board. If not, why not?

The next step? Recruitment, recruitment, recruitment. As Jim Collins said: “People are not your most important asset. The right people are“.

You can have the most amazing values in the world, but if these are not effectively and authentically communicated during the hiring process, so that you can get the right people who are aligned with your values, they count for nothing. In other words: Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” (Jim Collins)

Gopal Rao

Partner, Infosys Consulting

Besides the usual – “regular communication that is open, two-way and transparent, etc.” – I would say the concept of “aligned values of the team” is best put to test when the times are not good and the aggregated team goals are not being achieved. In those times I believe the following two would hold the team in good stead :

  1. A visible demonstration to the many detractors during those periods of a firm self-belief and also a visible demonstrable confidence in other members of the team who might be having a momentary dip and
  2. Let not the influencers or those in power affect your judgment of your seniors. It is very likely that unknowingly and unwittingly it might have irreversible damage to the team that has brought you the success that you enjoy now.

Berne Omolafe

Founder and CEO of

Aligning the company’s team values is crucial for achieving maximum impact and ensuring a cohesive work environment. These are the same strategies we follow at Pryntd. Here they are:

  1. Define Core Values: Clearly define the core values representing the company’s mission and culture. These values should reflect the company’s vision and guide decision-making.
  2. Communicate Values: Ensure team members know and understand the company’s values. Regularly communicate these values through team meetings, onboarding processes, and internal communications.
  3. Lead by Example: Leadership should exemplify the values in their actions and decision-making. When leaders consistently demonstrate their importance, it sets the tone for the entire team.
  4. Encourage Open Dialogue: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable discussing values, sharing feedback, and addressing concerns related to alignment.
  5. Hire and Promote Based on Values: During the hiring and promotion processes, assess candidates and employees based on their alignment with Pryntd’s core values. This ensures that the team remains consistent in its values.
  6. Incorporate Values into Goals: Integrate the company’s values into individual and team goals. This reinforces the importance of values in achieving its objectives.
  7. Recognize and Reward Alignment: Acknowledge and reward team members who consistently align with the company’s values. This encourages others to follow suit.
  8. Provide Training and Development: Offer training and development programs that reinforce and help team members apply the values.
  9. Continuously Assess Alignment: Regularly evaluate the alignment of team members with Pryntd’s values and address any deviations promptly.
  10. Adapt and Evolve: Values may evolve as the company grows and changes. Be open to revisiting and refining values to ensure they remain relevant and meaningful.

By implementing these strategies, Pryntd creates a cohesive team culture aligned with its core values, ultimately driving maximum impact and success.

In conclusion, shared values within a team are indispensable in today’s fast-paced workplaces. They drive innovation, enhance employee retention, and nurture a positive organisational culture. Expert insights underscore the importance of effective communication and thoughtful alignment of company values to bridge the knowledge-practice gap among employees. Recruitment processes that prioritise values alignment and a steadfast belief in team members during challenging times are crucial. To succeed, leaders should lead by example, foster open dialogue, and consistently assess alignment while remaining adaptable to evolving values as the company grows, ensuring a cohesive culture that maximises impact and success.

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